Wednesday, April 16, 2008



终于考完Test 1, Test 2 和 Test 3 了...

今天参加 UTMKL 在东禅寺所举办的佛学会.

大约早上七点多大家就集合在巴士站, 然后搭上UTM的巴士出发.

大约一个半小时后,我们抵达了东禅寺。 经过师兄的讲解后,我们一天的活动就开始了.




Saturday, April 5, 2008

Buzy days...

nowadays feel like there's insufficient time for me... i wish i have more than 24 hours a day to settle all those stuff... got presentation, assignment, quizzes, reports and exam plus revision... all these things had make me feel crazy and just feel like wanna give up everything and go for a walk around somewhere in M'sia.

something about my life at University...

CRAZY sectionma


MY PICOM Presentation

coming up "activity": techno test 2, a trip to 东禅峙, revision for final exam, senior farewell, final exam for this semester and many many more to come!!! GOOD LUCK TO ME!!!